Saturday, April 30, 2011

Church Egg Hunt

We had an egg hunt at Church after our beautiful Easter Mass and Dinner, It was such a fun time for all the kids. Amelia made a new friend with a big girl who was the sweetest thing and Amelia just took to her like a best friend!! It made me so happy to see her running around looking for eggs with her new friend!! Big girls are just the best, I would love to take her home and have her live with us!!

... my conclusion is that jelly beans are best in the eggs!! Eva found an egg with cotton candy in it and was totally grossed out by it she didn't want to touch it, look at it much less even thing about the fact that it could be edible!!

It was a beautiful egg hunt, and i love now that Eva know's that the big girls were the 'Easter Bunnies' and they laid all the eggs down for the kids... which was just as much fun for them as the little kids running around gathering eggs. Our Church community is full of amazing families that work together to make such beautiful and amazing memories that will be cherished forever.
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1 comment:

priest's wife - S.T./ Anne Boyd said...

it looks like everyone had a great time- send me the licorice jellybeans ;)

Christ is risen!