Saturday, October 31, 2009

9 months

Can you believe my sweet little baby is 9months already? I can't oh how the time goes so fast, I feel like we just brought her home yesterday! Time has gone so much faster with Amelia than with Eva but I"m sure it's because I'm (We) are so much busier! I was hoping to post this on the 29th but...

I have been so sick and I finally when to the walk in clinic last night and they diagnosised me with a nasty case of Strepthroat!! It has been awful, I have had extremely high fevers and head and neck pain.... along with feeling like i'm swollowing razor blades. I am greatful for the antibiotic because it started work quicker than I thought it would... along with a bunch of other things I'm taking to help me feel better!! I anxoius to be up and running again because being laid up with two little's isn't easy and we have a very busy weekend next week, that we are all looking forward too!
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